Touch Screens

Touch Screen Troubleshooting

Within Windows

  1. Type touch in the search field on the Search Charm and select Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input. The Tablet PC Settings windows is displayed.
  2. Click Calibrate to launch the calibration tool.
  3. Touch the screen to confirm the input supports touch.
  4. Press Enter to continue with the calibration tool.
  5. Tap the Cross Hair (+) with your finger each time it appears on the screen to calibrate the touchscreen.
  6. Follow the on-screen instruction and save the calibration data to complete touchscreen calibration.
  • The search results for touch will also show options like Pen and Touch, Change touch input settings and change multi-touch gesture settings. These options will open the Pen and Touch properties.
    • The Pen and Touch properties can help to change:
    • Double-tap settings
    • Press and Hold settings


Access the Advanced option in the General tab on PC Settings. Select restart to boot to the WinRE environment. Try using the touchscreen by selecting any of the options like Continue or Exit. If the touch fails to work on this screen, it is possible that the touch will not work even after an OS reinstall.