Audit Items

Audit Items

MCA handbook

Here are the 2023 versions for our handbooks. Any changes to these need board approval.

  • policy volume II-employee handbook
  • mca policy v 30

Annual Administratve Reviews

Documents that will undergo an annual review by the Administrative Team to monitor, evaluate and adjust as needed; the Board will then be presented the proposed amendments for approval. Documents and Policies that will be reviewed are, but not limited to:

  • - MCA Policies and Procedures Volume I
  • - MCA Policies and Procedures Volume II Employee Handbook
  • - MCA’s Mission Statement
  • - MCA Handbook
  • - MCA Student Code of Conduct
  • - MCA School Improvement Plan
  • - MCA Student Progression Plan
  • - Continuous Plan for Formalized Mentor and Coaching Programs, including staff development
  • - Continuous Plan for assessing effectiveness of hiring and retention practices and goals