Add Group Policies

Add Group Policies


Our group policies are located on our Domain Controller


To build a report of the group policies:

  • Enter the following on a command line to check for GP application: GPResult /h Report.htm /f
    This generates a report in the cmd directory you’re in that can be opened in a browser.

Using Templates

Control through Group Policy Management on Domain Controller. To use a template:

  • Download the Google Chrome ADM/ADMX templates from here:
  • Select the ADMX folder
  • Copy chrome.adml to c:\windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-US
  • Copy chrome.admx to c:\windows\PolicyDefinitions
  • Open up Group Policy Management (Start->Administrative Tools->Group Policy Management)
  • Right click the Group Policy Object you want, and select Edit…
  • Under Computer Configuration->Policies->Administrative Templates, you should now see a Google object. Expand that to find the policies you can deploy.

IP Addresses

  • /28
  • Useable: - 157
  • Gateway:
  • Subnet Mask: