
The following section will have common questions and answers that are not covered in our troubleshooting or how-to guides.


Q: Are students able to use their gmail accounts?

A: Students only are access to their gmail in rare occasions and should be approved by Mr. Steer. The acceptable first answer is ’no’.

Q: Who handles ordering new supplies?

A: For items less than $100 it is ok to request them from Mrs. Peiffer. If they’re bigger requests, please contact Mr. Casey Smith

Q: Are we allowed to give students demerits?

A: If we are familiar with Demeritus and the system, it is ok for us to issue student demerits.

Q: If there are issues with facilities, who should I contact?

A: We handle some facilities issues ourselves - mainly anything that has electricty tied to it. For example, our doors’ security system, projectors, and cameras we manage. The rest requires you to contact Mr. Rick Borman to be aware and invovled.

Q: How do we manage our service/ad-hoc work with other stuff we have to do?

A: For service work, we take tickets created from within Gradicus, phone calls, texts, emails, drive-bys, etc. We have no formalized way we organize our service work. This is to ensure the greatest flexibility and on-demand service we can provide to our teachers and staff.

We have adopted agile (Kanban style specifically) for managing our important work and projects. For example, events we assist with, server upgrades, work with vendors, or other important improvements, issues, outages, etc. This helps us keep both campus staff and stakeholders aware of what is happening and all the work we do for Mason.

The main purpose of agile is to provide agreement on and clear prioritization of work amongst the team. We meet weekly to review and plan the next week. The expectation is status updates are completed at least weekly.

The secondary purpose of agile is comprised of the following:

  • Provide transparency to stakeholders
  • Add accountability within the team for work
  • Provide better team communication and coordination
  • Get past blocks, issues, and challenges as a team

**Q: What email groups do we have at mason.